
Sunday 20 April 2014

MASSIVE EASTER SALE at Life in Fine Art! 20% off for 3 days only!

Life in Fine Art are having a massive Easter sale from April 20th - 23rd! 20% off all items, get in quick!

11 Original Artworks That Will Look Great On Your Wall!

Happy Easter! Here are 11 beautiful images that will make you want more wall space!

Ice on Vernal Falls by Lee Wilkes

 Half Dome With Moon by Lee Wilkes


New Orleans at Dawn by Lee Wilkes

Island Palm by Lee Wilkes

San Francisco from Lombard Street by Lee Wilkes

Morning Seascape by Lee Wilkes

San Francisco Baby by Lee Wilkes

Red Record by Lee Wilkes

A Seascape Worth Waiting For by Lee Wilkes

A Lili To End All Lili's by Lee Wilkes

Purple Lilium Flower by Lee Wilkes

Wednesday 9 April 2014

When you learn who you are. When you learn who you aren't. An inspirational story of nature.

There are moments in our lives when we feel different. An unexplainable feeling of sadness, euphoria or power that comes over us like never before. At this moment we can choose to ignore the feeling or we can choose to embrace it and change our lives in an attempt to follow it. For me a moment of complete clarity and euphoria came when I first traveled to Yosemite National Park in 2011. The feeling was unexplainable, a sense of being finally existed within me. It was nature, real and epic, scary yet so natural. I was overcome. I traveled to Yosemite again in the winter of 2012 and had the same overwhelming experience. What was it about this place that captivated me? How could it make me feel this way and the incredible city of Rome or New York not?

Nature exists within all of us, we are mammals, we are an holistic part of nature. This is what I had felt during my experience at Yosemite. As a photographer and artist I could not think of anything more important than to attempt to express this feeling in my work. I have done so ever since. I capture nature because it is real, more real than money, more real than job security, more real than a house. Nature is all we truly have. Respect it. Nurture it. Love it. Become it.

Half Dome and Moon
Yosemite National Park

Frozen Lake, Half Dome and Moon
Yosemite National Park

Thursday 3 April 2014

Beautiful abstract photographs by Lee Wilkes

Three new abstract photographic prints for sale, limited edition by Lee Wilkes!

I Now Cannot See | Buy Here

Man Standing (and swaying) In Brutal North Westerly | Buy Here

South Westerly Bringing Rain | Buy Here

Have you ever considered moving into medium format film photography? Here's a fantastic buyers guide!

I've worked with medium format film cameras for a while now and can't recommend them enough. For the price, a Mamiya C220 is definitely the best camera you can buy right now, period. The image quality is just incredible, it has interchangeable lenses and a bellows focussing system that allows you to focus CLOSE! Twin Lens Reflex cameras don't have a flapping mirror so you can hand hold at much lower shutter speeds than with a DSLR or SLR camera. This also means they are almost silent, a street photographer's dream!

Mamiya C220

I could talk all day about TLR and medium format film cameras, however today I would like to re-direct you to an incredible source for information, a website that I myself have learnt from many, many times. Please see the complete Medium Format Buyers Guide Here.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Incredible footage of a Snake eating a Goanna!

I captured this video while on an extremely remote island in the Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia. This poor Goanna in being swallowed by a Python!

See the full blog story here:

Monday 31 March 2014

Beautiful video footage of baby Turtles hatching and running down to the water.

This incredible footage was captured on a very remote island in the Torres Strait. Watching this act of nature was one of the most amazing and beautiful things I have ever experienced. 

See the full blog story here:

Sunday 30 March 2014

A day on one of the most remote islands in the world. Snakes eating Goannas, baby Turtles hatching and giant fish!

This weekend we were lucky enough to hitch a five minute dinghy ride from our island to a more remote and uninhabited one. The beaches look like a war zone due to the Green Turtle nesting season over the past 4 months. What a mess!

We jumped off the boat and went for a bit of an adventure. I had just finished explaining to our new buddy Ben about the Goannas and huge Pythons on this island when, sure enough, there was a massive python beginning to devour a Goanna! I had never seen this before and Ben surely hadn't! I still find it hard to believe how these snakes can eat an animal almost twice their size.
Snake vs Goanna
This time of year the baby turtles are hatching all over the place, so we went for a bit of a mission to find a nest. It wasn't long until we found the little darlings making their way out of the soft sand and down to the beach.
Hayley and her little friends
Helping them with their long journey

After helping the babies with the beginning of their journey we jumped back into the dinghy for some epic fishing.
Our view of the islands while fishing
The fishing out here is incredible due to NO commercial fisheries and almost no ocean traffic whatsoever, it is a truly untouched part of the world. We tried a few different reefs in the area and caught an uncountable amount of fish. Mackerel, Coral Trout, Coral Cod of all kinds, Snapper, Red Bass and MASSIVE Giant Trevally, just to name a few. The best fishing experience of my life by a long way. We kept a Mackerel and two Coral Trout and the rest went to friends and families on our island. 
Mackerel and two Coral Trout

Me with a Mackarel
It's days like this that really make me appreciate where I live. It may be extremely remote, and there are huge disadvantages to that, but I truly do live in one of the most beautiful and natural places on our planet, I am grateful. 

All images in this post were captured with the Apple iPhone 4s